By: me-trading
March 11, 2019
With this post, I want to inform you about a new category we have implemented on our website. We decided so, in order to improve the discoverability of the cheese slicing and packaging equipment and at the same time enhance the user experience on our website.
Before we decided to take this step, all the machinery of this kind was located in the “Filling and Packaging” category, meanwhile redefined as “Filling Equipment”. We thought the old designation could be perceived as a little misleading to visitors who landed on our website to primarily looking for slicing and packaging machines for cheese products. In the end, this could be leading the visitor to leave our website, thinking we do not offer this kind of equipment, so we are left losing a potential business deal.
Another reason to create a new category was the overload on equipment in the former “Filling and Packaging” category. There was too much scrolling involved to reach the footer of this page. We thought that a potential customer could get tired of endless scrolling while browsing through our offer and leave without even reaching the bottom of the page; again making us lose a potential customer.
However, the idea that scrolling would annoy our customers an make them leave our Website isn’t an idea that applies to all sites. Here you have to thoroughly dive into the psychology of your target audience and ask questions like:
Last but not least, with opening up a new category for cheese packaging equipment, we aim to improve the Google rankings for our website. Opening up another page, optimized for a narrowly defined kind of product/equipment improves our performance for long tail keywords (in this case) like “cheese slicing and packaging equipment”.
At the end of the day, this approach serves both, our customers and us. Our customers benefit from better discoverability of the equipment they are really looking for as well as better user experience. We, on the other hand, increase the possibility of closing deals.
As a matter of fact, we have recently added a lot of used equipment for slicing and packaging of cheese to our website. For example, we offer cheese cutting and grating equipment which can be combined with a multi-head scale attached to a flow pack machine, we offer as well. Or a complete slicing line, from slicing to packaging of the cheese. Here you can find all the packaging machines we currently offer
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